This is an archived copy of the 2017-2018 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

WR115 Introduction to Expository Writing  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( WR90 )

This course presents the fundamentals and development of expository prose through frequent writing exercises. It is designed to help students learn the use of unity, clarity, coherence, and detail in the development of written ideas in the workplace.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR121 English Composition  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( WR115 ) or ( WR90 )

Corequisite(s): ( LIB0650 )

This course presents the fundamentals and development of expository prose through frequent writing exercises. It is designed to help students learn the use of unity, clarity, coherence, and detail in the development of written ideas.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR121H English Composition w/Honors  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( WR115 ) or ( WR90 )

This course presents the fundamentals and development of expository prose through frequent writing exercises. It is designed to help students learn the use of unity, clarity, coherence, and detail in the development of written ideas. This course is part of the Honors Program.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR122 English Composition  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( WR121 )

Corequisite(s): ( LIB0652 )

This course continues the preparation of the fundamentals of expository prose, with special emphasis on rhetorical principles of argumentation. Special attention is given to audience and style. The basic principles and use of logic in argumentative/persuasive writing are introduced.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR122H English Composition w/Honors  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( WR121 )

This course presents the fundamentals of expository prose, with special emphasis on the rhetorical principles of argumentation. Special attention is given to audience and style. The basic principles of logic in argumentative/persuasive writing are introduced. Honors students will publish an argument

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR123 English Composition  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( WR121 and WR122 )

Corequisite(s): ( LIB0654 )

Plan, research and write papers based on an argumentative or analytical thesis from collected information. This necessitates critical reading, persuasive writing and using conventions to write and document a research paper.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR123H English Composition with Honors  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Plan, research and write papers based on an argumentative or analytical thesis from collected information and complete an honors level real world research essay for a clearly identified reading audience. This necessitates critical reading, persuasive writing and using conventions to write and document a research paper.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR180 Internship: Writing  1-12 credits  (3 lab hrs/wk/cr)

Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent

Practical on-site experience that will allow students to explore workplace environments and career options.

This course may be taken 12 times for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR227 Report Writing  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( WR121 )

Corequisite(s): ( LIB0654 )

Report Writing studies the composition of reports required in the technical and business professions. It includes fact gathering, organization, graphic layout, and other methods of compiling data. Students will learn to quote, paraphrase and summarize sources effectively, and to cite sources and list them with a style sheet.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR241 Imaginative Creative Writing  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

This course introduces the theory, techniques, and practice of fiction writing to the beginning student. It emphasizes the short story. Part of the term is spent reading and analyzing published work in terms of such writing techniques as characterization, scenes, dialogue, thematic content, and structure. Writing exercises, both to take home and to do in the classroom, complement these discussions, and are critiqued. Part of each week is spent in a writers' workshop where student writing is discussed, analyzed, and critiqued by the class and the instructor.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR242 Imaginative Writing Poetry Writing  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

This course introduces the theory, techniques, and practice of poetry writing to the beginning student through reading published work and through writing exercises. Part of each term is spent in a writer's workshop where student writing is discussed, analyzed, and critiqued by the class and the instructor.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR243 Imaginative Writing Explorations  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

This course centers on discussion of the techniques of play writing and monologue writing through the reading and analysis of published work and through writing exercises. Areas to be explored depend upon student and teacher interest. Part of each week is spent in a writer's workshop where student writing is discussed, analyzed, and critiqued by the class and the instructor.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR250 Autobiography Writing  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Introduces students to the techniques of writing an autobiography. Includes method, style, and organization. Both students and non-students works are discovered in class in order to develop writing techniques.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR280 CWE: Writing  1-12 credits  (3 lab hrs/wk/cr)

Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent

Offers career exploration and workplace experience within a widely defined number of supervised settings which provide professional experience in the field of writing.

This course may be taken 12 times for credit.

Course classification: LDC

WR80 Sentence Fundamentals  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

This course is designed to teach the student the skills of writing well formed, grammatically correct, varied sentences within the context of a paragraph or essay. This course cannot be taken toward an associate's degree.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: DEV

WR90 Paragraph Fundamentals  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Paragraph Fundamentals is designed to help students write clear, correct paragraphs in standard English. A final goal is to have students organize paragraphs into an extended essay. The class will include discussion of grammar, punctuation, and conventions of style and usage.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: DEV

WR90R Academic Literacy  4 credits  (4 lec hrs/wk)

A reading comprehension and writing skills course that prepares students to actively, purposely, and rhetorically engage in college-level literacy.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: DEV

WR95 English Composition Fundamentals  1 credit  (2 lec lab hrs/wk)

English Composition Fundamentals provides intensive instruction and practice in writing coherent paragraphs and essays for specific audiences. It focuses on the recursive writing process, sentence structure, paragraph structure, essay structure, grammar, mechanics, and usage. This course is the co-requisite course to be taken concurrently with WR 115 or WR 121.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: DEV