Human Development (HD)
HD100 College Success and Survival 3 credits (3 lec hrs/wk)
Facilitates adjustment to the college environment. Focuses on self-assessment, personal development, educational goal setting and critical thinking. Encourages interdisciplinary exploration, exposure to multiple modes of educational delivery, and structured academic journaling.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC
HD100A College Success and Survival A 1 credit (1 lec hrs/wk)
First of a sequence of three one-credit courses dividing up the content of former HD*100. Facilitates adjustment to the college environment. Focuses on self-assessment, personal development, educational goal setting and critical thinking. First module focuses on personal responsibility, goal setting, motivation, time management, self-management and SWOCC specific information.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC
HD101 Community Service Learning Exp 3 credits (2 lec, 3 lab hrs/wk)
A theoretical and practical course examining the principles and features of service-learning. Students will develop a personal understanding of civic engagement, ethics and leadership through direct and/or indirect service to a community-based organization and through critical reflection. Students will be required to complete 33 hours of service and participate in weekly seminars/discussions.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC
HD101L Service Learning Lab 1-9 credits (3 lab hrs/wk/cr)
This course permits an instructor to offer an optional concurrent service learning component to supplement a course already taught. This component extends, reinforces, or applies the learning from the original course to meet a community need. May be repeated for a total of nine credit hours. A separate syllabus/course outline or schedule will be required for each class offered.
This course may be taken 9 times for credit.
Course classification: LDC
HD102 College Nuts and Bolts 1 credit (1 lec hrs/wk)
Designed for first year students, provides a brief introduction to the essentials of college adjustment. Topics include: Accessing college resources, managing time, understanding college procedures, academic planning and maintaining academic standing.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC
HD105 Finding Funding Through Scholarship 1 credit (1 lec hrs/wk)
Designed to increase students' success in obtaining scholarships. Topics covered are: Common scholarship criteria, application tips, essay writing, scholarship searches, and how scholarship committees make their decisions.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC
HD110 Career and College Awareness 2 credits (2 lec hrs/wk)
This course focuses on preparing non-traditional students to enter college, training programs and/or employment. It helps students achieve their education and career goals by offering a variety of opportunities for students to identify and reflect on their strengths and interests. Aspects of this course are integrating prior knowledge with new information, improving vocabulary, reading skills, charts and tables and locating information.
This course may be taken 2 times for credit.
Course classification: LDC
HD111 Math Success 2 credits (1 lec, 2 lec lab hrs/wk)
This course facilitates students to become successful math learners and critical thinkers. Students will be exposed to a variety of math study skills, problem solving skills, and systems of logic which will be put into immediate practice through group and individual exercises. Students will assess their own most favored learning styles and develop increased comfort in alternative learning situations. Students will also self-identify possible math and/or test anxiety which may be artificially reducing their math grades. Students are encouraged to be concurrently enrolled in a math course required for their majors so that the skills learned here can be put into immediate practice.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC
HD112 Study Skills 3 credits (3 lec hrs/wk)
Designed to increase the students' success in college by assisting them in obtaining skills necessary to reach their educational objectives. Students are introduced to time management strategies, note taking, library usage, problem solving, exam strategies, muscle reading, and learning style.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC
HD113 Stop Test Anxiety Now 1 credit (1 lec hrs/wk)
Covers techniques for coping with debilitating test-taking anxiety, and improving overall test performance. Students will utilize biofeedback to assess individual levels of anxiety and map precise solutions to individual anxiety constructions.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC
HD140 Career/Education Exploration 1 credit (1 lec hrs/wk)
Provides tools needed to make an informed career and educational decision. Includes interest testing; self-assessment of skills, values, and attitudes. Learn how to locate occupational information and relate it to making informed educational choices.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC
HD152 Stress Management 2 credits (2 lec hrs/wk)
Introduces the types, cause, and effects of stress (physiological, psychological, emotional, cognitive, and intrapersonal/interpersonal) from a personal and academic perspective. Facilitates application of tools (including biofeedback) and techniques to identify, manage and re-frame stress to improve academic and life success.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC
HD208 Career/Life Plan 3 credits (3 lec hrs/wk)
Students learn a process for career selection, emphasizing development as an ongoing process. Attention is given to self-assessment (skills, interests, values, attitudes, motivational patterns), decision making models, job and career research techniques (including electronic resources), and development of a personal action plan.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC