Search Results
Preschool Child Development, Associate of Applied Science substituted with HDFS297 5 ED101K , ED101P , ECE180HV will satisfy this requirement, depending on Practicum...
Infant and Toddler Development, Associate of Applied Science
...file before enrolling in these classes. 4 ECE180HV , ED101P Practicum: Ed Pre-K , or ED101K...
ECE180HV Internship: ECE Home Visitor 1-3 credits
Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent
Practical on-site experience that will allow students to explore early childhood education home visiting workplace environments and career options.
This course may be taken 9 times for credit.
ECE280HV CWE: ECE Home Visitor 1-12 credits
Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent
Practical on-site experience that will allow student to explore early childhood education home visiting workplace environments and career options.
This course may be taken 12 times for credit.