Academic Calendar
SUMMER 2022-2023 (8 weeks)
May 2
Registration for Summer/Fall. Make payment arrangements with Student First Stop Center at time of registration.
May 6
Summer Graduation Applications
June 10
2021 Commencement
June 11
Check-Out Day for housing residents NOT returning summer term
June 13
Summer campus store charging begins
June 13-17
Term Break
June 15
Spring rental books due to campus store
June 15
Grade available via myLakerLink
June 18
Check-In Day for housing residents
June 20
Day and night classes begin
June 22
Last day to register without instructor consent
June 29
Last day of financial aid charging textbooks & course materials.
June 29
Last day for refunds and to withdraw without being assigned a "W" (For course length 5 weeks or longer)
July 1-4
CAMPUS CLOSED (Independence Day)
July 7
Financial Aid disbursement begins
July 22
Last day to change to audit
August 3
Last day to withdraw
August 5
Fall Graduation Applications Due
August 8-11
Finals Week
August 8-11
Textbook buyback; buyback will be extended for classes that continue past August 14
August 13
Check-Out Day for housing residents
August 15-September 9
Term Break (Fall classes begin 9/12/2022)
August 24
Summer rental books due
August 24
Grades available via myLakerLink
Note: Academic calendar subject to change. Please check the Schedule of Classes each terms for registration information.
The campus will be closed on Fridays during the Summer beginning June 17 through August 26 (11 weeks).
FALL 2022-2023 (11 weeks)
May 2-September 21
Registration for Fall term. Make payment arrangements with Student First Stop Center at time of registration.
August 29
Fall campus store charging begins
September 5
September 6
All Campus In-service
September 8
Move-In Day for new housing residents; waitlist completed; see instructor
September 12
Day and night classes begin
September 14
Last day to register without instructor consent
September 21
Last day for financial aid charging textbooks & course materials.
Last day for refunds and to withdraw without being assigned a "W" (For course length 5 weeks or longer)
Financial Aid students must complete all add/drops, including wait list classes, for correct check disbursement (funds disbursed based on today's enrollment status)
September 30
Financial Aid disbursement begins
October 3 - 7
Campus Store accepting faculty textbook and course material adoptions for winter term.
October 21
Last day to change to audit
October 31
Registration begins for Winter term. Make payment arrangements with Student First Stop Center at time of registration.
November 4
Winter graduation applications due
November 11
CAMPUS CLOSED (Veterans Day observed)
November 16
Last day to withdraw
November 21-23
3 Day Finals Week
November 21-23
Textbook buyback
November 24-25
CAMPUS CLOSED (Thanksgiving observed)
November 26
Last day to check out of student housing
November 28-January 2
Term Break (Winter classes begin Jan 4, 2023)
November 30
Fall rental books due to campus store
Grades available via myLakerLink
December 7
Winter campus store charging begins
December 22-January 2
Note: Academic calendar subject to change. Please check the Schedule of Classes each terms for registration information.
WINTER 2022-2023 (11 weeks)
October 31-January 11
Registration for Winter term. Make payment arrangements with Student First Stop Center at time of registration.
December 5
Winter campus store charging begins
December 29
Waitlist completed; see instructor
January 1
Southwestern Foundation General Scholarship Applications available for 2023-2024
January 2
CAMPUS CLOSED (New Year's Day observed)
Move-In Day for housing residents
January 3
Campus Open - Faculty Prep Day
January 4
Day and night classes begin
Last day to register without instructor consent
January 11
Last day of financial aid charging textbooks & course materials
Last day for refunds and to withdraw without being assigned a "W" (For course length 5 weeks or longer)
Financial Aid students must complete all add/drops, including wait list classes, for correct check disbursement (funds disbursed based on today's enrollment status)
January 16
CAMPUS CLOSED (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day)
January 20
Financial Aid disbursement begins
January 30-February 3
Campus Store accepting faculty textbook and course material adoptions for spring term.
February 3
Spring graduation applications due
February 10
Last date to change to audit
February 20
CAMPUS CLOSED (Presidents Day)
February 27
Registration begins for Spring term
March 13-16
Finals Week
March 13-17
Textbook buyback
March 18
Check-Out Day for housing residents NOT returning spring term
March 20
Spring campus store charging begins
March 20-24
Term Break (Spring classes begin March 27, 2023)
March 22
Winter rental books due to campus store
Grades available via myLakerLink
Note: Academic calendar subject to change. Please check the Schedule of Classes each terms for registration information.
SPRING 2022-2023 (11 weeks)
February 27-April 5
Registration for Spring term. Make payment arrangements with Student First Stop Center at time of registration.
March 20
Spring campus store charging begins
March 23
Waitlist completed; see instructor
March 24
Faculty regalia order due to campus store
March 25
Move-In Day for housing residents
March 27
Day and night classes begin
March 29
Last day to register without instructor consent
April 3-7
Campus store accepting faculty textbook and course material adoptions for summer and fall
April 5
Last day of financial aid charging textbooks & course materials
Last day for refunds and to withdraw without being assigned a "W" (For course length 5 weeks or longer)
Financial Aid students must complete all add/drops, including wait list classes, for correct check disbursement (funds disbursed based on today's enrollment status)
April 14
Financial Aid disbursement begins
May 1
Registration begins for Summer and Fall term (2023-2024)
May 5
Last date to change to audit
Summer graduation applications due
May 29
CAMPUS CLOSED (Memorial Day)
May 31
Last day to withdraw
June 2
Student Awards Convocation
June 5-8
Finals Week
June 5-9
Textbook buyback
June 8
Distinguished Alumni Celebration
June 9
June 10
Check-Out Day for housing residents NOT returning summer term
June 12
Summer campus store charging begins
June 12-16
Term Break
June 14
Spring rental books due to campus store
Grades available via myLakerLink