Food and Nutrition (FN)
FN155 Nutrition in Early Childhood Programs 1 credit (1 lec hrs/wk)
This course covers nutrition aspects related to the early childhood years (birth to eight years) and includes information about serving healthy foods for child care. Information on teaching nutrition activity in developmentally appropriate ways are also covered in the course.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC
FN180 Internship: Nutrition 1-12 credits (3 lab hrs/wk/cr)
Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent
Practical on-site experience that will allow students to test knowledge learned in the classroom and explore the variety of workplaces in which to apply that knowledge.
This course may be taken 12 times for credit.
Course classification: LDC
FN225 Nutrition 4 credits (4 lec hrs/wk)
This course focuses on the study of basic nutrition principles and newer scientific investigations of optimal diet for health. A review of present day nutrition problems is included. The course is valuable for home economic, nursing, physical education, food service, dental hygiene and childhood education majors.
This course may be taken 1 time for credit.
Course classification: LDC
FN280 CWE: Food and Nutrition 1-12 credits (3 lab hrs/wk/cr)
Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent
This course focuses on the study of basic nutrition principles and newer scientific investigations of optimal diet for health. A review of present day nutrition problems is included. The course is valuable for home economic, nursing, physical education, food service, dental hygiene and childhood education majors.
This course may be taken 12 times for credit.
Course classification: LDC