This is an archived copy of the 2018-2019 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

BA101 Introduction to Business  4 credits  (4 lec hrs/wk)

This course surveys American business organizations, operation, and management. The course develops an awareness of the nature of business in the capital system. Introduction is made to the fields of ownership, organization, personnel, accounting, financing, marketing, management, production, insurance, real estate, foreign trade and government regulations.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA110 Group Dynamics for Teams  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Students develop skills to successfully perform as a team member or leader. Students develop, practice, and refine strategies to improve communication to and across teams - and across functions in the workplace.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA120 Leadership Development  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

This course introduces leadership and group dynamics theory and skills to identify and develop the qualities of effective leadership that are essential for career, organizational, and personal success. The course will integrate leadership models and theories with current leadership practices within a multicultural context.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA145 Business Field Trip  2 credits  (5 lec hrs/wk)

The actitivities in this course are designed to inspire future business leaders with ideas of some of the exciting academic and career choices they can make. Students will visit non-profits, multi-national firms, and the offices of state legislators in Salem.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: CTE

BA150 Introduction to Entrepreneurship  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Entrepreneurship is an exciting opportunity for students to learn about potential business ownership becoming the creator of jobs in the community. The course will focus on the leadership skills and entrepreneurial traits needed to to be successful.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: CTE

BA156 Essentials of Economics  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( MTH60 ) or ( MTH65 ) or ( MTH82 ) or ( MTH95 )

This course introduces the subject of economics in a practical business-oriented sense. The course relies on current events and practical applications. The content includes supply and demand, fiscal and monetary policies, and international trade.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA177 Payroll Records and Accounting  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( AC2764 ) or ( BA211 )

Become familiar with the basic knowledge and skills of payroll accounting. Provides practice in all payroll operations such as calculation of gross pay, calculation of applicable withholding and deductions, journalizing and posting payroll transactions, and completing various federal and state forms.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: CTE

BA180 Internship: Business Administration  1-12 credits  (3 lab hrs/wk/cr)

Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent

Practical on-site experience that will allow students to explore workplace environments and career options.

This course may be taken 12 times for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA203 Intro. to International Business Business  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( BA223 and WR115 ) or ( BA223 and WR121 )

This course provides students with a basic understanding of the broad field of international business. It forms a foundation for future study and specialization in the international business field. Students will gain an understanding of the institutions, environments, forces, and problems that are involved when businesses operate in foreign economies.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA205 Solving Communication Problems With Technology  4 credits  (4 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( WR115 ) or ( WR121 )

Focuses on using current technology to create, revise and design business documents: Letters, memos, e-mail, reports, minutes, simple instructions, and resumes. Students will use library and Internet resources to collect information. In addition, students will deliver oral presentations using presentation tools.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA206 Management Fundamentals  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

The course explores the duties of managers and the techniques they use to improve organizational performance. Focuses on four key responsibilities of management: Planning, organizing, leading and control.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA211 Principles of Accounting I  4 credits  (4 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( MTH60 )

Discusses the theory, principles and procedures for organizing, interpreting and reporting the financial transactions of business or industry. Describes and discusses the problems of properly recording and measuring income and expense. Specialized areas such as: Merchandise inventory, special journals, cash and receivables are discussed.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA212 Principles of Accounting II  4 credits  (4 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( BA211 )

Discusses the theory and principles of recording financial records, including accounting systems, management control, depreciation, merchandise inventory, evaluation, partnership and corporate accounting, capital stock, investments, statement of cash flow, and dividends.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA213 Principles of Accounting III Managerial Accounting  4 credits  (4 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( AC2764 ) or ( BA212 )

This course will cover cost accounting for manufacturing plants, income taxes and their effect on business decisions and analysis of financial statements.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA215 Cost Accounting  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( AC2764 ) or ( BA212 )

This course develops techniques for determing product costs under job order, process and standard costing, and introduces cost analysis for decision making.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA217 Accounting Process  3 credits  (3 lec, 1 lab hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( AC2764 ) or ( BA211 )

Review and apply basic accounting systems in practical applications. These will range from working with journals and ledgers, to the application of accounting systems on a microcomputer and analyzing financial statements.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA220 Tax Accounting Personal Income Tax  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( AC2764 ) or ( BA211 )

A beginning course in federal income tax preparation. Business taxes as it relates to a single proprietor will be briefly discussed.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA222 Finance  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( AC2764 ) or ( AC2764 and MTH60 ) or ( BA211 ) or ( BA211 and MTH60 )

This course covers the core financial aspects of business entrepreneurship in sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, and private corporations. It includes key financial topics such as financial statements, break-even analysis, cash-flow analysis, working capital management, time value of money, and capital budgeting.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA223 Principles of Marketing  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Develops skills in understanding and developing strategies in the marketing environment. Covers principles and techniques of market research, consumer behavior, product development, pricing, distribution and promotion. Establishes basis for creating a marketing plan.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA224 Human Resource Management  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( BA206 )

The student will be introduced to personnel functions as they relate to the management of the human resources of an organization. Areas of concentration will include employee selection, training, and compensation.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA230 Business Law  4 credits  (4 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( BA101 )

This course introduces the student to the legal environment of business. Students will explore/understand the specific legal issues in conducting business. Topics include: The legal environment as well as tort, contract, sales, agency, real/personal property, partnership, and corporation law.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA233 E-Marketing  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( BA223 )

Learn the practical applications of diverse online marketing components such as searches and optimization, tracking, reporting, and social media. Online marketing strategies will be introduced to guide creation, promotion, and tracking of an online presence for a person, brand, or company.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA238 Sales  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

This course involves the role of sales as an integral part of the total marketing function. The application of selling to the behavioral science will be included with special emphasis on sales psychology, sales techniques and the fundamental principles of sales communication.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA239 Advertising  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( BA223 )

A detailed examination of the purpose, preparation, placement, and analysis of the various types of advertisements within each of the media, such as television, radio and the newspaper. The relative merits of several of the media are then explored. The course involves practice in the planning and analysis of complete advertising campaigns and their coordination with other marketing strategies.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA240 Fund Accounting Governmental  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( WR115 ) or ( WR121 )

This course presents accounting for governmental and non-profit organizations. It includes budgetary and expenditure control as well as considerations, reporting and operations of general, special revenue and capital projects.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA249 Retailing  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

A study of retail strategy, structure and management. The course stresses the role of the supervisor in the daily operation of retail work.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA250 Small Business Management Entrepreneurship  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( BA223 )

This course covers the basic principles of business entrepreneurship, including planning, organizing, innovation, staffing, and controlling, stressing those elements needed for financial achievement and personal reward.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA277 Business Ethics  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

This course is designed to make the student aware of the ethical issues currently facing business and to provide a background against which the student may evaluate and/or compare his or her own ethical views/stands.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA280 CWE: Business Admin  1-12 credits  (3 lab hrs/wk/cr)

Prerequisite(s): Instructor consent

Practical on-site experience that will allow students to test knowledge learned in the classroom and explore a variety of workplaces in which to apply that knowledge.

This course may be taken 12 times for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA284 Job Readiness  1 credit  (1 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( CIS120 )

Introduces student to tools and strategies for job exploration and professional portfolio development. A professional portfolio is a collection of evidence of learning and experiences such as reflective journals and work samples.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: CTE

BA285 Human Relations in Organizations  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

This course explores interactions in organizations by examining human perceptions, communications, small group dynamics and leadership. Includes the dynamics of change, cultural diversity, substance abuse, work stress, ethics and social responsibility, career development, and the challenges of globalization.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA288 Customer Service  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

This course provides a thorough introduction to customer service skills. Introduces concepts of basic customer service. Covers how to develop and establish a customer service vision. Examines how to understand customer expectations before, during and after service delivery.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: LDC

BA292 Entrepeneurship Capstone  3 credits  (3 lec hrs/wk)

Prerequisite(s): ( BA101 and BA150 and BA205 and BA206 and BA222 and BA239 )

This course showcases the student's achievements in completing their program. Throughout this project-based course the student will be guided towards integrating their learning using a variety of activities such as reflecting, documenting, interviewing, volunteering, or taking part in other academic- or community-based events.

This course may be taken 1 time for credit.

Course classification: CTE