This is an archived copy of the 2017-2018 catalog. To access the most recent version of the catalog, please visit

The Associate of Science/Oregon Transfer Business (ASOT-BUS) is a degree that is intended to prepare students for transfer into a bachelor-level business program at a public Oregon university. Students who receive this degree will have met all lower division general education requirements of that institution's bachelor's degree programs. Students transferring with this degree will have junior standing for registration purposes. Admission to the business school/program of any public Oregon university is not guaranteed upon completion of the ASOT-BUS degree.

It is strongly recommended that students review the list of university-specific prerequisites and recommendations and contact the specific Oregon university business school/program early in the first year of their ASOT-BUS program at Southwestern to be advised about additional requirements and procedures for admission consideration to the public Oregon university and the business school/program.  For specifics, please contact an advisor at the University Center or Educational Support Programs and Services (ESPS).

Students holding this degree are not guaranteed admission to the business school/program of any institution.  The student must contact the four-year institution of interest to determine any university-specific requirements. Examples of such university-specific requirements are: minimum GPA requirements, a limitation of non-graded courses (Pass/No Pass), or specific additional courses. Check transfer school program requirements or contact the University Center for more information.

Graduation Requirements

Complete a minimum of 91 credit hours with a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or better.  All courses must be passed with a grade of 'C' or better. Twenty-four (24) credits must be completed at Southwestern before the ASOT-BUS degree is awarded.

Successfully complete the following courses (except for elective credits) from the list of approved courses for the ASOT-BUS. The list is available on the following pages and in Admissions, the Student First Stop Center, Educational Support Programs and Services (ESPS) or from the program advisor.

Students may take any college-level course that would bring total credits to 90 quarter hours including up to 12 credits of college designated Career and Technical Education courses. A maximum of nine (9) credits of PE185 may be applied to the ASOT-BUS degree.

Courses that are developmental in nature (designed to prepare students for college transfer courses) are not applicable to this degree.

Complete the graduation application process one term prior to the term of completion (e.g., spring term graduates must apply during winter term).

Pre-Program Courses

Students are required to take the following courses prior to the program courses, depending on students' college placement information. See advisor for details:

CIS90Computer Basics (or demonstrate proficiency)2
MTH95Intermediate Algebra4
WR90Paragraph Fundamentals (or placement in higher writing course)3-4
or WR90R Academic Literacy

Program Guide

Foundational Requirements

All courses must be completed with a grade of "C" or better.


Three (3) courses from:

WR121English Composition3
or WR121H English Composition w/Honors
WR122English Composition3
or WR122H English Composition w/Honors
WR227Report Writing3

Information Literacy is included through embedding the appropriate content and analytic activity in foundational writing courses.


A minimum of two (2) courses for which MTH 95 is a prerequisite, plus one (1) course in statistics:

Total of three (3) math courses required.


A minimum of one (1) course in fundamentals of speech or communication:

SP100Basic Speech Communications3
SP111Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
SP218Interpersonal Communication3
SP219Small Group Discussion3

Computer Literacy

CIS120Concepts of Computing4

Discipline Study Requirements

All courses must be completed with a grade of 'C' or better.

Arts and Letters

Three (3) courses chosen from two (2) or more disciplines:

Second year foreign language may be included, but not first year.

ART115Basic Design I, Intro to Elements4
ART116Basic Design II, Color Theory4
ART117Basic Design III, Intro to 3D Desgn4
ART131Introduction to Drawing I3
ART132Introduction to Drawing II3
ART133Introduction to Drawing III3
ART191Beginning Sculpture3
ART192Beginning Sculpture3
ART204History of Western Art:3
ART205History of Western Art:3
ART206History of Western Art:3
ART225Computer Art I3
ART244Bronze Casting3
ART253Ceramics I3
ART256Ceramics II3
ART281Painting I Beginning3
ART282Painting II Beginning3
ART283Painting III Beginning3
ART284Painting I Intermediate3
ART285Painting II Intermediate3
ART286Painting III Intermediate3
ASL2012nd Yr American Sign Language I4
ASL2022nd Yr American Sign Language II4
ASL2032nd Yr American Sign Language III4
ENG104Introduction to Literature Fiction3
ENG105Introduction to Literature Drama3
ENG106Introduction to Literature Poetry3
ENG107World Literature3
or ENG107H World Literature w/Honors
ENG108World Literature3
ENG109World Literature3
ENG204Survey of English Literature3
or ENG204H Survey of English Lit w/Honors
ENG205Survey of English Literature3
ENG206Survey of English Literature3
HUM204World Mythlgy & Religion3
HUM205World Mythlgy & Religion3
HUM206World Mythlgy & Religion3
J203Writing for Media I3
J205Writing for Media II3
J215Publishing Lab3
MUS101Music Fundamentals3
MUS111Music Theory I3
MUS112Music Theory II3
MUS113Music Theory III3
MUS201Intro to Music and its Literature3
MUS202Intro to Music and its Literature3
MUS203Intro to Music and its Literature3
MUS205Intro to Jazz History3
MUS206Intro to History of Rock and Roll3
MUS211Advanced Music Theory I3
MUS212Advanced Music Theory II3
MUS213Advanced Music Theory III3
PHL101Introduction to Philosophy3
PHL103Intro to Logic and Critical Thnkg3
SP100Basic Speech Communications3
SP111Fundamentals of Public Speaking3
SP218Interpersonal Communication3
SP219Small Group Discussion3
SP220Gender and Communication3
SPAN201Second Year Spanish4
SPAN202Second Year Spanish4
SPAN203Second Year Spanish4
WR241Imaginative Creative Writing3
WR242Imaginative Writing Poetry Writing3
WR243Imaginative Writing Explorations3

Social Sciences

ECON201 Microeconomics and ECON202 Macroeconomics, PLUS two (2) additional courses from the list below:

A total of four (4) social sciences courses required.
ANTH101Physical Anthropology and Evolution3
ANTH102Introduction to Archaeology3
ANTH221Intro to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH222Intro to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH223Intro to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH224Intro to Medical Anthropology3
ANTH230Native North Americans: Oregon3
ANTH231Native North Americans: PNW3
ANTH232Native North Americans3
CJ101Intro to Criminology4
ED169Overview of Student Special Needs3
ED258Multicultural Education3
GEOG105Cultural Geography3
HDFS140Contemporary American Families3
HDFS222Family Relations3
HDFS229Development in Middle Childhood3
HDFS247Preschool Child Development3
HST101History of Western Civilization3
HST102History of Western Civilization3
HST103History of Western Civilization3
HST104History of the Middle East3
HST201History of the United States3
HST202History of the United States3
HST203History of the United States3
HST240Hist of Oregon and the South Coast3
PS201American Government Political3
PS202American Government Policy Issues3
PS203Local Politics and Government3
PSY100Introduction to Psychology4
PSY201General Psychology3
or PSY201H General Psychology w/Honors
PSY202General Psychology3
or PSY202H General Psychology w/Honors
PSY203General Psychology3
or PSY203H General Psychology w/Honors
PSY216Social Psychology3
PSY228Introduction to Social Science3
PSY231Human Sexuality3
PSY237Life Span Development3
PSY239Introduction to Abnormal Psychology3
PSY243Drugs and Behavior3
SOC105Introduction to Criminology4
SOC204Introduction to Sociology3
SOC205Social Institutions and Change3
SOC206Social Problems and Issues3
SOC208Sociology of Sport3
SOC210Marriage and Family3
SOC213Racial and Ethnic Relations3
WS101Introduction to Women's Studies3

Science/Mathematics/Computer Science

Four (4) courses from two (2) or more disciplines including at least three (3) laboratory courses in biological and/or physical science.

Laboratory Courses

BI101General Biology4
BI102General Biology4
BI103General Biology4
BI142Habitats: Marine Biology4
BI201Introductory Biology4
BI202Introductory Biology4
BI203Introductory Biology4
BI231Human Anatomy and Physiology I4
BI232Human Anatomy and Physiology II4
BI233Human Anatomy and Physiology III4
CHEM221General Chemistry I5
CHEM222General Chemistry II5
CHEM223General Chemistry III5
ENV235Introduction to Soil Science4
G201Physical Geology I4
G202Physical Geology II4
G203Historical Geology4
GS104Physical Science4
GS105Physical Science4
GS106Introduction to Earth Science4
PH201Gen Physics I: Mechanics5
PH202Gen Physics II: Heat, Waves, Rel5
PH203Gen Physics III: Elect & Magnetism5
PH211Gen Physics w/Calculus I5
PH212Gen Physics w/Calculus II5
PH213Gen Physics w/Calculus III5

Other Approved Sci/Math/CS course choices

BI140Practical Ecology3
BI149Introduction to Human Genetics3
CHEM110Found of Gen, Organic & Biochem4
or CHEM110H Fnds of Gen, Org & Biochem w/Honors
CS160Computer Science Orientation4
CS161Introduction to Computer Science I4
CS162Introduction to Computer Science II4
CS261Data Structures4
G146Geology of Southwestern Oregon3
G207Geology of the Pacific Northwest3
G221General Geology3
G246Geological Hazards3
MTH105Math in Society4
MTH111College Algebra4
or MTH111H College Algebra w/Honors
or MTH112H Trigonometry w/Honors
MTH212Fundamentals of Elementary4
MTH213Fundamentals of Elementary4
MTH231Elements of Discrete Mathematics I4
MTH232Elements of Discrete Mathematics II4
MTH241Calculus for Bus and Soc Science I4
MTH242Calculus for Bus and Soc Science II4
MTH243Intro to Probability and Statistics4
MTH251Calculus I Differential Calculus4
or MTH251H Calculus I w/Honors
MTH252Calculus II Integral Calculus4
or MTH252H Calculus II w/Honors
MTH253Calculus III4
or MTH253H Calculus III w/Honors
MTH254Vector Calculus I4
MTH255Vector Calculus II4
MTH256Differential Equations4
MTH260Matrix Methods and Linear Algebra4

Business-Specific Required Courses


All courses must be completed with a grade of 'C' or better.

BA101Introduction to Business4
BA211Principles of Accounting I4
BA212Principles of Accounting II4
BA213Principles of Accounting III4
BA230Business Law4
or other advisor-approved Business-specific electives.

Cultural Literacy

One (1) course from the list below that is designated as meeting the cultural literacy requirement.  This course may also fulfill a Discipline Studies requirement.

ANTH221Intro to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH222Intro to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH223Intro to Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH224Intro to Medical Anthropology3
ANTH230Native North Americans: Oregon3
ANTH231Native North Americans: PNW3
ANTH232Native North Americans3
ED258Multicultural Education3
ENG107World Literature3
or ENG107H World Literature w/Honors
ENG108World Literature3
ENG109World Literature3
GEOG105Cultural Geography3
HDFS140Contemporary American Families3
HUM204World Mythlgy & Religion3
HUM205World Mythlgy & Religion3
HUM206World Mythlgy & Religion3
HST104History of the Middle East3
MUS205Intro to Jazz History3
MUS206Intro to History of Rock and Roll3
PSY231Human Sexuality3
SOC208Sociology of Sport3
SOC210Marriage and Family3
SOC213Racial and Ethnic Relations3
SP220Gender and Communication3
WS101Introduction to Women's Studies3


  • All courses must be completed with a grade of 'C' or better. 
  • Students may take any college-level course to bring the total credits to 90 credits.
  • Up to 12 credits of college-designated Career & Technical Education (CTE) courses can be applied as electives for the ASOT-BUS degree.
  • Eight to nine (8-9) CTE credits may be accepted by a four-year business program.  See specific CTE limitations at the four-year institution.
  • A maximum of nine (9) credits of PE185 sport/activity courses may be applied to the ASOT-BUS degree.
  • Three (3) credit hours of PE185 sport/activity courses may be granted toward the degree for successful completion of military basic training. A copy of military transcript or DD-214 is required.
  • A maximum of 45 credits is allowed for basic, developmental, or supportive courses under federal financial aid guidelines.